Saturday, 13 October 2012

SaturdaySwingSista WOD 13.10.12

For todays WOD I will be completing the following exercises for 15 minutes, and seeing how many rounds I can complete..

  • 100 x Skips
  • 25 x Kettlebell Swings (14kg)
  • 10 x Left Windmill (12kg)
  • 10 x Right Windmill (12kg)
  • SL Romanian Dead-Lift L x 10
  • SL Romanian Dead-Lift R  x 10 

I managed 3 full rounds, however, I used a 12kg for the Kettlebell Windmill, NOT a 10kg as per notes in the picture above!

Let us know how you got on :D

Have a great Saturday,

Charlie x

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Hi everyone, HAPPY THURSDAY :D 

Today's blog will be short and sweet as I have time this morning to get the WOD done!! Yay me!!! 

We will be working on some Isometrics today, so get your ZONE on! 

Set your timer for 4 rounds of 50/10 and complete these couplets.

1.  Goblet Squat 
2. Hold a wall squat  (Advanced hold the weight) 

2. Hold a low press-up position 

2. Hold low sumo squat (Option raise heels) 

2. Front plank with glute squeeze


Charlie x 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Tuesday SWINGSISTA 09.10.12

Morning my SwingSistas :O)

I hope you are all well, how are you doing today?  What are you doing to move further towards your goals?

As you know I have been training with Kettlebells for sometime, but following a rather bad injury around 8 months ago, I have been working on fixing myself to be able to train again. This combined with many hours of work means that my mojo has been slightly affected over recent months. I feel it is SO important to look after yourself, and teach this to my own clients daily, but have failed to yield my own advice just recently. Therefore, this week, I chose not to teach my 4 bootcamps (that I run) and to have some time with my son in the mornings before he goes to school, and in the evenings - This week I chose to take care of myself..

What do you guys do to take care of yourselves? 

Anyway, here is your Tuesday WOD :)

Complete 3 or 4 rounds of the exercises below x

My plans for training are now being scheduled into my week more often than I have been, and taking care of oneself needs to be a priority :)

Have a great day x


Cambridge Personal Trainer

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Hey SwingSistas :)

Here is your WOD, again this is another one I have been doing with my Cambridge Boot camper's 

I will adapt it for W.O at home..

Give yourself 20-30 minutes, although if you have less time that is equally fine :o)

Get a pack of cards, and shuffle them.  Put them in a pile near where you are working out - each suit will represent an exercise. Do the number of reps that the card tells you to do, and see how many cards you can work through in the allotted time.

❤    =  Burpee press-up with a forward Jump

♦    =  Straight-Leg Dead-Lift 

♠     =  Kettlebell Swing

♣     =  Kettlebell pull-over press

FACES = 25 Reps

ACE      = 10 x Reps of everything

JOKER  =  Sprint as far as you can

I found this EXCELLENT teaching video for the Kettlebell Swing which helps you with trouble spotting if you feel you are experiencing pain or it just feels 'wrong' ..

I hope you enjoy this as much as we did :O)

Charlie x

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

SwingSista WOD 02.10.12

Hello Hello Hellooooooo! It's been a while, but we are BACK today to give you a Pyramid WOD that my Cambridge Bootcamp ladies have been doing this week. It is slightly longer than our normal WOD's but also if you do have a spare 40 mins to work-out this will bring about intensity and SWEAT :O)

Set your timer for 30/30.

In this Pyramid WOD, we will be doing 1 exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 30 secs, then 2 exercises for 30 secs each, then rest and so on until we do 6 exercises in a row.

Start with

1. Goblet Squat ~ 30 secs rest

2. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell dbl handed swing ~ 30 secs rest

3.  Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges ~ 30 secs rest

4. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist ~ 30 secs rest

5. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist, Coffin Sit-up ~ 30 secs rest

6. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist, Coffin Sit-up, Burpee-press with a Double Jump.

Take 1-2 minutes rest, and then repeat backwards beginning with the Burpee-press+Double Jump :O)

I hope this makes sense, it certainly kicked our girls asses (in a good way) :)

Much SS love, Charlie + Liz xxx

Friday, 21 September 2012

SwingSista B'day WOD 21.09.12

Hey hey SwingSistas! Today is our Lizzie's B'day so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZZIE!!!!

In honour of our SwingSista, today's WOD will be a special Take on the Crossfit way of doing things.

21-12-09    Basically you will do 21 reps of each exercise, followed by 12, followed by 9 :)

1. Kettlebell Deadlift

2. OverHead Squats (Use 2 bells if you have them, or 1, but do L+R for reps)

3. Downward Dog Push-up 

To finish off - let's do a 34 SECOND Burpee round just for FUN x 4 :))

hehe x

Have a great day, Charlie xx

Monday, 17 September 2012

Monday Sept 17th 2012

Happy Monday swingsistas!!

Hope a good weekend was had by all! I managed to have a day off yesterday so I am psyched to kick this week's ass!

Without further ado here's the WOD for today!


KB squats 20
Pushups 20

x4 (take a rest in between sets but do the 2 exercises back to back

KB overhead press 15
two handed swings 20


overhead swings 20
full chest to floor burpees 10


Coffin sit ups 15
Cross body mountain climbers 10 each side



Saturday, 15 September 2012

Weekend WOD Saturday 15th Sept 2012

Morning ladies !!!!

I'm buzzing off the first SwingSista kettlebell Bootcamp that started today up here, my girls came out swinging strong at 8:30 this morning and did themselves proud - soooo looking forward to seeing growth and development in them all...

Why don't you try one of the workouts we did this morning?

Set your timer for 10 mins - make sure you're super warmed up and then HIT THIS!

* 10 swings (Russian or overhead - you choose)
*10 overhead press (2 hands on the bell) - keep 'em strict - don't use your knees!
*10 squats (hold the kb)

Go AMARAP the ass outta this and let us know how you get on!!
Have a cracking weekend!

Liz x

Thursday, 13 September 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Thurs 13.09.12

Hey guys, today's WOD is 4 Rounds of the following exercises--->

1. Pull-up or Variation of (as many as you can do)

2. Kettlebell Sumo Squat high pull x 15

3. Tuck Jumps x 15 

Post your score for your Pull-ups ;)

Brief post from me today, as need to keep cleaning (and no I don't mean the lifting kind) hehe! Total Autumn clean as I have these 3 days off.

Tomorrow I have the lovely Jenny Burrell coming to Cambridge to do some filming about Kettlebells for postpartum women. She has just launched a new site called Metabolic Mummy where she has created amazing videos to help women with those post birth issues. It is a HUGE resource if you are a new (or old) Mum (like me ;)))
I also get to train her hehehe!

See you soon lovely people, I won't be around to do the Saturday SwingSista as I will be in Sussex learning to be a Primal Move trainer!!


Wednesday, 12 September 2012

WOD for Wed 12 Sept 2012

Ladies! Here it is! Just dashing off to hit up some deadlifts so I will be QUICK!

1 swing - 1 squat
2 swings - 2 squats

etc etc etc

15 swings - 15 squats

And then back down to 1 swing and 1 squat!
Go for overhead swings if you feel confident, make sure that squat is LOW!!!!! And hold the bell while you do em!

Love Liz x

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Tuesday SWINGSISTA WOD 11.09.12

Morning peeps,

I am sure many of you will have heard of the 5x50 challenge.... 5 k every day for 50 days.. I have seen loads of people on Twitter doing this challenge, and I have managed to persuade my Cambridge Bootcamp chicks to partake ;))  Mostly people are raising money for Sports Relief, I have chosen to raise money for Headway Cambridgeshire. Our CBC chicks have been eating "clean" to raise money towards our final POT of money to give to Headway following our Charity Quiz night on the 10th November --> So I am hoping that after this 50 day challenge, I will be able to add even more money to this great cause.

My reason for choosing Headway is a personal one. My father had a motorbike accident 19 years ago (when I was 21) in which he suffered a major head injury, and my 18 year old brother was killed.
My life changed irrevocably on the 2nd July 1993.  Headway were hugely supportive to me whilst I was caring for my father in the horrendous months that followed, and guided me in the direction of Psychiatric Nursing (very keen that my life didn't nose dive).

After around 10 years of caring for my father, Headway Cambridgeshire helped me again, offering me guidance and support as I felt alone dealing with a relative who had suffered with Head Injury.

It is for these reasons, that I have chosen to support Headway Cambridgeshire. IF you can spare even £2 please sponsor me via this link   THANK YOU :O)

In light of todays post, your WOD should be a 5k Run, Swim, Jog, Walk or Cycle..

After you have completed this, please work on your TGU (Turkish Get-Up) (One of my favourite exercises)

Aim to do 10-15 each side depending on your level.

Thank you for listening today :)

Charlie x

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Monday Sept 10th 2012

Sept 10th already! YIKES!!! Hope you all had a great weekend!

Quick WOD for you to kick start your Monday!

Every minute on the minute

 - 10 swings 2 hands
 - 10 squats (ass to grass or 'arse to grarse' if you're daaaaahn saaaaaarf...haha)

Rest of the minute you get a rest! Go AMRAP - as many rounds as possible!

If you're finding it dead easy, add 5 pressups in after the squats - that should do it ! ;-0))

Have a whoopass day!!

Liz x

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

WED WOD !!! 5th September 2012

Morning all! How are we?!

Just getting ready to head to my BootCamp  - they're in for the Filthy 50 this morning  -  mwahaha! If you're Wirral-based and want to check us out please do so at  - 50% membership fee for September if you haven't been before !

Onto the WOD! Been hearing GREAT things about SwingSista wod's getting smashed all over the show - including one of my clients convincing my husband to do the WOD with her after school each day! They're both teachers and train with me and have got some awesome results over the summer and so are determined to keep it up! Very exciting!

Today you have a the top of that minute you must complete 10 overhead swings and 10 burpees (chest to floor, jump at the top if you can!)...then chillllll for the rest of the minute.....get ready to go again and BOOM soon as the next minute starts HIT IT! Pick a number of rounds you think you can complete and aim to do one more than that....or alternatively keep going till you can do no more!!!

Remember to let us know how you get on either here in the comments or on twitter or facebook!

Have a whoopass day peeps!

massive love

Liz x

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Tuesday 04.09.12

Hey guys, how are you doing today? It's TUESDAY already, and time flies when you are having fun ;)

Our Kettlebell and Primal Move work-shop with James Breese of kettlebellFever went VERY WELL on Sunday, a HUGE shout out to all the Twitter people who came from all over the UK to attend our day. I couldn't have been prouder of everyone - working out for 4 hours non-stop is pretty tough!! #hardcore..  

Some pics of our work-shop.. SwingSistas + SwingBrothers do their THANG ;)

Everyone LOVED the Primal Move section which was 40 mins of non stop movement, strength, and flexibility. You can see why this is becoming one of the fastest growing fitness movements in the UK.

Anyway, here is your WOD for today..

You will have 5 exercises to complete for 10 mins. Make sure you warm up effectively. 


1. 10 x Heavy Kettlebell Swings

2. 10 x Reverse lunges holding KB to your chest.

3. 10 x Plank Builder

4. 10 x Mountain Climber (2 legs = 1 rep - Hands on KB to make it harder)

5. 10 x Jump Lunges

ENJOY, see ya soon 

Charlie x

Monday, 3 September 2012

WOD for Monday 3rd September!

Morning all! Happy September! I am BACK from hols and raring to go - looking VERY MUCH FORWARD to the Autumn and all it will bring! Massive congrats to our Charlie for an amazing workshop yesterday - the buzz is high and it seems everyone has loved it! WOOP WOOP!

Hope you're all enjoying some kettlebell action and training hard. I am now FINALLY able to swing and lift again, or at least begin to after my injury so I am excited to get stuck in!

So without further is today's offering!

300 overhead swings (or Russian swings if you're less confident with the overheads) for time! Set that timer, off you go and let us know how you get on!

Have a great day !

Liz x

Saturday, 1 September 2012


Good morning to you all! It's going to be a GOOD DAY!! So excited (and a wee bit nervous) for the Kettlebell / Primal Move workshop tomorrow! I am hoping to be qualified in the Primal Move way of life soon too, so this is even more relevant to me than usual..  Here is a video for those of you who don't know what Primal Move is... 


TODAYS WOD!  (One for your legs and butt!)

AMRAP (As many rounds as possible in 12 minutes) 

1. 10 x Shuttle Runs 10m

2. 10 x Single-leg Dead-Lift L

3. 10 x Single-Leg Dead-Lift R

4. Side lunge rotation to single leg hop L  (weight optional for this one) 

5. Side lunge rotation to single leg hop R 

Have a great weekend guys, see you soon, 

Charlie x

Thursday, 30 August 2012


Morning peeps, it's still August but feels more like November here!! I've had to resort to putting the heating on (I know I am a wimp!!)   Welcome back to our Lizzie, who I hope has had a fantastic holiday!! :)

Much news today.. Firstly, Cambridge Bootcamps has been nominated for an award with Velvet Magazine, which is amazing.  IF you have two minutes could you PLEASE vote for us (No's 14+19)   It really won't take you very long, and you may win a prize!

Secondly, James Breese and myself are running a Kettlebell and Primal Move work-shop this SUNDAY in CAMBRIDGE (See deets here --> ) We will be teaching the fundamental Primal Move concepts, and RKC Kettlebell moves.  This is a very exciting event, which I am really looking forward to!

So, for today, your WOD will consist of 2 x 6 minute rounds.. 4 exercises @30secs each with a 10 sec rest. (rest after the first round should you wish)

Set your GYMBOSS timer for 30/10

1. Left forward and reverse lunge (43 secs in - Hold Kettlebell in opposite hand, or both hands if u have 2) 

2. Right forward and reverse lunge (as above)

3. Jump Squat

4. Squat Thrust 


Second part. Have 1 min rest if needed before this set.

1. Triple Jump 

2. Burpee (use kettlebell as optional here)

3. Side Plank Left. Add dip from hip to floor to make this harder. 

4.  Side Plank Right. 


Have a great day guys, see you soon :O)

Charlie and Lizzie xxx

Friday, 24 August 2012


Hey hey hey....  Hope this WOD finds you well!! I have had a tremendously busy week, meeting with some awesome Fit-pro's, and working with Cambridge Bootcamps!!   (More of that to come next week!)

Here is your WOD for today!!

50/10 x 5  Repeat as you see fit ;)

1.  Alternating Dead clean + press

2. Touch Jumps

3. Kettlebell Suitcase DL (If only one KB, change half way)

4. Plank chest tap

5.  V-Push-ups

Have fun and a great B/H w.e

Charlie x

Monday, 20 August 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Tuesday 21.08.12

MORNING!! Anyone else getting bitten to DEATH by a new breed of Mosquitos??? What ARE they?? I have spent most of my life being the smug bird who never got bitten!! NOW, I am being eaten alive by things that leave HUGE holes on your body!! And they HURT!! Daggnamit!

Anyhoooo, today's challenge is a Time Trial..

Get your timer, and your favourite Kettlebell.

Time yourself doing 300 x dbl Handed kettlebell swings. Post your time :O)

If you have time go for a power walk, or a 5 k run straight afterwards.

Muchos love,

Charlie x

Saturday, 18 August 2012


Happy Saturday peeps, Lizzie is now away on a well deserved break, and it is MEGA hot here already, so I am hoping for a scorchio day! Best get the WOD done early to avoid working out in the heat that is due today :O) Wahoooo!

TIMER -> Set for 30 secs work x 4 30 secs rest.

1. Walking Kettlebell swing forward.

2. Walking kettlebell swing (backwards) 

3. Walk-out to press-up 

4. High-Knees OR Skipping with High Knees.

Repeat 4 or 5 times as time allows.

Have a GREAT w/e.

Charlie x

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Thursday 16.08.12

Happy Thursday to you guys :O)  Today's w.o will be fast and furious... Just 12 mins of pure TABATTA training.  Set your timer for 18 Rounds of 20/10

1. Heavy Kettlebell Swing

2. Burpee to star Jump

3. Goblet Squat

4. Left Clean

5. Right Clean

6. Low Plank Oblique 

“Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.” 
― Anthony Robbins

Charlie + Liz x


Short and sweet!!

20 thrusters to 1 swing
19 thrusters to 2 swings
18 thrusters to 3 swings

1 thruster to 20 swings

Lather, rinse, repeat

I am officially ON HOLLIBOBS from early Friday am so will leave you in the awesome hands of Charlie Wall :-)

See you SOON!

Liz x

Monday, 13 August 2012


Hey guys, hope you are all GOOD!! Today we will focus on technique for some of those trickier moves ;)

Please set your timer for 3 min rounds - 1 min rest.. x 6.  Repeat if you want to ..

1. TGU

2.  Windmill L  (Double Windmill if you have two Kettlebells) 

3.  TGU R

4. Windmill R

5. Skipping

6. 10  x Heavy swings + 10 Burpees

See ya'll tomorrow,

C+L x

Monday August 13th WOD

Here it is - The Filthy 50! Done this recently with a couple of clients - needless to say they have LOVED luck everyone :-))

Grab a bell, start that timer  and off you go...... (PLEASE don't sacrifice good technique for time!!)

You will do 50 reps of the following, straight through, rest when you need but the clock stil tickkkkkks.....

  1. 2 handed swings
  2. Reverse lunge with OHP
  3. Cleans (swapping hands when you need! )
  4. Coffin sit ups
  5. alternate hand swings
  6. KB thrusters
  7. Snatches changing hand when needed
  8. Right hand swings
  9. Left hand swings
  10. KB deadlifts
Go go goooooooo!!!

Love L&C x

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Hello, and a HAPPY SATURDAY to you all! :O) I'm off to Mersea Island today to enjoy the sunshine, wahooo! Bring on the beach! Here is your WOD for today, which I have just done, and have to say it's a good'un.. 

Workout: --> AMRAP 20 min

Cossack squat 5 each side 

Heavy swing X 10   Choose your heaviest kettlebell, or if you have two lighter KB's, do a double swing.
Commando Crawl 30 ft
Deck Squat x 10
1 run round park OR block

In case you missed it, I was interviewed by Management Today about why I started up my company Cambridge Bootcamps.. Read the interview HERE 

Let us know how many rounds you managed, and have a GREAT w.e.

Much love, 

Charlie and Liz x

Thursday, 9 August 2012


hey hey swingsistas :O)  Today, we have the honour of providing a work-out by the lovely Jen Sinkler (Survival of the Fittest) who actually did this Kettlebell work-out for Marianne Kane of MyOMyTV

It was such a goodie, that I thought I would post it here, and with their permission... Here it is :O)

I particularly love the Kettlebell snatch lunges ...

Off to do this now..

Ciao Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 6 August 2012


Hey there peeps :)  Busy ol w.e here in Cambridge!! I hope the sun is shining for you guys, it's trying to come out here!

Here is your WOD for today.. We did this at our Saturday Shred session this w/e with Cambridge Bootcamps.  You will need to be in your garden/ park or outside somewhere. Take a minutes rest in between each round if you need. To see what the exercise is, hover your mouse over the exercise, click and it should take you to a YouTube video.

3-4 Rounds of :-->

1. 10 x Goblet Squats, run 20m, then do 10 x arse to grass squats, run back.

2. If pull-up bar, 20 x assisted pull-ups. If using playground, use bar with feet on the floor for easier option.

3. 20 x Coffin sit-ups

4. 20 x Tactical Lunges

5. Run around your block, or park area.

6.  Bear Crawl 20m and return.

Hope you enjoy this one :O)

Charlie and Liz x

Friday, 3 August 2012


Morning tweeples, a very busy week for both myself and Lixy, my son has been very poorly, so getting to the laptop for workouts has been pretty much non-existent!! HOWEVER, today at Cambridge Bootcamps we have had a SUPERHERO day, and this appears to have caused excitement on twitter :O)

Therefore I said I would post the exact w.o we are doing today with the girls for SWINGSISTA!

We did 3 rounds of the 50/10 Tabatta, and then tried to complete the last group of exercises as quickly as possible! I would suggest doing the 50/10 today, and saving the last part for your Saturday w.o if time is short.

Spiderman Burpee

Hell boy Smash downs (45 secs, minus the burpee attached, unless you really want to :)))

Elastagirl Squat to press

Silver Surfer pop-ups - Jump up low, rather than stand to squat as this girl is doing

Wonderwoman starjump, 4 x punches

Incredible Dash (sprint!)

Hope you enjoy this!!  IF you don't have any sandbags, do a Kettlebell Swing for 50 seconds like you mean it ;)

Much love, Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 30 July 2012

Monday July 30th WOD!

Errr HOW is it almost August already??!! MAAAAAAN ALIIIIVE!!!!

MAHOOSIVE WELL DONE to Charlie & the Cambridge Crew for smashing a top challenge at Spartan Race this weekend - way to go ladies!!!!!

Ok so WOD for today....

4 x TGU (2L, 2R)
1 min pressup hold/extended arm plank

x 3

C'est tout! It's TOUGH!!!!!

Have a goodun!

Liz and Charlie xxx

Friday, 27 July 2012


MORRRRNING :O) Happy Saturday to you tweeps, I'm feeling a tad tired this morning as I waited up to see who lit the Olympic Torch last night! How did YOU find the Olympic ceremony?

I am doing the Spartan Race tomorrow in Cambridge with a whole load of Cambridge Bootcamp ladies, so in honour of that, here is your WOD "SPARTAN 300"


50 X Kettlebell Swings
50 x Goblet Squat
50 x Burpee's
50 x Mountain Climbers (option hands on KB)
25 x Snatch L
25 x Snatch R
25 x Coffin Sit-up
25 x Static Inchworm to press-up 

Post your times and let us know how you get on.

Have a great day, C+L xxx

SWINGSISTA WOD Fri 27th July'12

Hellooooooo SwingSistas, sorry for late post, I've been in sunny London with my boy!! We have some exciting news, we launched our new Facebook page yesterday.... Here it is!!

SWINGSISTA ON FACEBOOK      If you get the chance please like us and share our page.. THANK YOU!! 

Today's work-out is bought to you by the letter O for OLYMPICS!!!!!

3 Rounds :--->

1. Inchworm to X-Body Mnt Climber to press-up  10/15 Reps

2. 10 x Clean L

3. 10 x Clean R

4.  Single Leg Dead-Lift L x 10/15

5. Single Leg Dead-Lift x 10/15

6. Front Plank - Option, jump feet from side to side x 20. If no jump, tap each leg out 20 x

If needed rest for 1 minute between rounds :O)


Charlie and Liz xxx

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thursday WOD July 26th 2012

Morning tout le monde! How's the weather? Sucks here!!! WTF??! But let's not let it screw with our workout!

Have a bash at this!

20 x swings of choice - 1 jump squat to burpee (squat down, drive up into a jump, land in a squat, hands down, jump feet out, back in, stand up tall, )

19 x swings of choice - 2 jump squat to burpee

18x swings of choice - 3 jump squat to burpee

aaaaand so on until we hit 1 x swing and 20 jump squat to burpee..........


(Watch your knees if you have issues - maybe go with squats and/or get ups as a lesser impact option)

Have a crackin day!
L&C x

Monday, 23 July 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD for TUES 24th July 2012

Good morning tweeps, it's SO GORGEOUS outside today, this one is for the park :D  Take 1 or 2 of your chosen Kettlebells with you, some water and your timer :D

Set your timer for 50/20 x 6 rounds and repeat as many times as you like.

1. Bulgarian Lunge holding the KB in Left Hand. Right foot on bench.

2.  Bulgarian Lunge holding KB in R hand. L foot on bench. 

3. Walking Kettlebell Swing 

4. Pull-up from Climbing Frame

5. Uneven Squats on a step R leg (Let KB hang is in video)

6. Uneven Squats on step L leg (Let kb hang as in video) 

Hope you enjoy that one . Let us know how you get on 

Much love, Charlie and Liz xxx

Friday, 20 July 2012


Morrrrrning, this one is inspired by the lovely new CATWOMAN, and especially for Lizzie's Saturday SwingSista 9am WOD with her crew ;o)

This should take you approx 15 minutes 5 exercises 40 secs on 20 secs rest. Work to your MAXIMUM potential for the whole 40 seconds.  Your option is to rest in-between the 5 exercises or just plough on through with no rest :D

1. Catwoman Kettlebell O/H Swing

2. Catwoman Kettlebell Russian Twist

3. Catwoman Crawl

4. Catwoman Burpee side2side crunch (add press-up for an extra push)

5. Catwoman Figure 8 to hold  

Make sure you warm up and cool down effectively incorporating some good stretches to maintain your Catwoman like flexibility ;o)

Ciou Charlie and Liz xxx


Happy FRIDAY!!! I am off to see SPIDERMAN tomorrow (I know, I'm a sucker for a super hero) ;) So, in honour of the webbed wonder, please find todays WOD :D

AMRAP in 10 mins --->

20 x Spider Lunges

20 x Spider Rotational Squat Jumps

20 x Spider sumo squat to high pull 

20 x Spider Plank (2 legs = 2 reps)

Mwahahahaha :D

Enjoy Charl and Liz xxx

Thursday, 19 July 2012


SwingSista returns :D WE'RE BACK!!!!

I've had THE most fantastic holiday in Crete, and it was DAM hot!! I hear it rained pretty much daily here which is sad, so just make sure you are all taking your vitamin D every day at least 3 x daily. I actually cannot believe how much healthier I feel for having been in the sun!!

Without further ado here is your WOD

Set your timer for 3 Rounds of the following exercises. Take a break of 1 minute if you need to between the 3 rounds. Each exercise needs to be performed for 40 secs with a 20 sec break.

1. Goblet Squat (heaviest KB you have, making sure you retain your form)

2. Kettlebell Heartbeat  -->  Standing tall, hold the kettlebell in two hands and push the KB away from your body. Repeat.

3. Burpee's (press-up on the end optional)

4. Front plank

5. Squat Jumps

6. Aligator Push-ups ;o)

Have a great day, the sun is shining here, so I hope it is for you wherever you are.

Love Charlie and liz xxx

Friday, 13 July 2012

Weekend WOD Friday 13th!

Morning all!

Let's go for some 4 minute fun today! Set those stop watches for 4 minutes on 2 minutes off...

You will do the following as many reps as possible 

1. 20 yard sprint out and back and 10 KB squats
2. 10 swings and 1 KB deadlift
3. 5 jerks right, 5 jerks left (or push press if you'd rather)
4. burpee to a high pull (just use one bell if you want)

Keep a record of how may COMPLETE rounds you do per 4 min work period and let us know !

Remember you can follow us on twitter as @lixwallpt and @purplefitness !

Have a GREAT weekend! Your task for Saturday's workout is to pick a previous workout and try and improve on last time you did it! I have a day full of clients so won't be near a computer to upload !

Lotsa love

Liz in a very rainy Wirral and Charlie in a very sunny exotic location .....


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Thursday WOD July 12th 2012

Hi gang! WOW! Thursday already!! Hope you're having a great week!

Let's go for 2 minute torture today! You need a timer for 2 minutes....

Idea is you work with wonderful and safe technique making each rep count for 2 minutes per exercise. On the single arm exercises you can change when you like to the other hand to prevent too much fatiguing, also you may rest whenever you like, but the clock carries on ticking!!

Go through the exercises one by one- take a minute or two rest in between. remember the idea with short wods is to maximise intensity, work hard and overload the body (in the right way) creating a training effect!

1 - Forward stepping lunges holding KB with rotation through torso over lead leg
2 - burpees
3 - 2 handed swings
4 - cleans
5- halos
6 - KB squats
7 - high swings
8 - push press


Love Liz and Charlie xoxo

WED WOD July 11th 2012

Hola chicas!

Heeeeeere it is !!1 QUICK! Get out int hat sun before it hoons it down again!!!!


20 secs on/10 secs off

2 exercises, so 4 rounds of each

1. 2 hand swings and pushups

2. left then right hand swings plus weighted squats

3. changing hand swings and forward stepping lunges with an overhead press

4. cleans right then left and burpees

Have some fun with that one! Soon as I can lift and swing again I will JOIN YOU and video each workout to make it easier to see technique!

Have a great Weds!

L & C x

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Tuesday WOD July 10th 2012

Evening!! :-)) I have now returned from Festival madness! Wish I could say it has been a relaxing break but it ended up rather a mad one......Have heard from our Charlie, she's having a wonderful time chilling in the both of us swingsistas are recharging our batteries - albeit in different ways !

Without further ado here is today's WOD! Let's go with the good ol' 21-15-9

You will perform 21 reps, then 15, then 9 of the following:

2 handed swings (go heavy)
Weighted jump squats (holding KB)
Coffin sit ups

Not a long workout but go for weight and intensity! If you're really jonesing for a longer workout take a rest and do another round!Remember though, KB workouts should be short, sharp and shocking ! HAVE A GREAT TUESDAY!

Big love

L & C xxx

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

WOD for Thursday July 5th 2012

Hello lovely ladies! I am posting this early because I have a manic day of clients ! And Friday I am away at a Festival so there will be no WOD till Monday next week - lucky for you you have PLENTY to choose from !!

Today however, let's focus on our pins!

45 secs high knees - hard, high and fast as you can
Walking lunges - 20  - with an overhead KB press if you can, or just hold onto your KB for extra resistance
Then sit in a squat, hold your KB for resistance and do a COMPASS....20 paces forward, 20 back, 20 left and 20 right WITHOUT coming out of the squat!! It's a KILLER - I've been doing this with a yoga band around my knees for a few weeks and it totally gets your glutes firing!
Finish with 5 burpees

Take a rest and go again! Focus not on speed but on uniformity of reps and cracking technique.Load those legs ladies !!

Have a great weekend, let us know which of the previous workouts you do this Friday!!

Until next week,

Liz x


Hi gals! You're stuck with me for a couple weeks while Charles is off sunning herself on a well earned BREAK with her fam!

So here goes for today!

5 rounds of

10 jump squats
20 swings
10 push ups
20 swings
10 jump lunges (a left and a right is ONE)
20 swings

Rest 1-2 mins and repeat!

Go do it !!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


GOOD AFTERNOON!!! So sorry for the delay today I have been NON-STOP busy trying to sort everything before my HOLIDAY tomorrow, so this is the last post you will get from me for a while, handing over to the lovely LIZ for the whole 2 weeks!! :D


Set your timer for 3 Rounds of 50/10

1. Stiff leg Dead-lift

2. Sumo Squat to high-pull

3. Halo

4. Coffin Sit-up

5. Cannon Balls (hahaha) ;o)

Much love,

Adios amigos

Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 2 July 2012

SwingSista WOD for Monday 2nd July 2012

Morning guys, Happy Monday to ya!! Lizzie and I have both had a fantastic weekend :D

Lizzie's tribe met with Mark Raynsford who owns BodyFit Bootcamp and from what I can see they had a hugely positive + successful day ..

As for me, my Cambridge Bootcamp team took the Race For Life warm up with near on 8000 women all star-jumping with us!! I have never seen anything like this in my life, it was certainly one of the BEST experiences of my life!!

So, here is your Monday #SwingSista #WOD :o))))

40 x Kettlebell dbl handed swings.
5 x TGU L   (If you are not comfortable using weight, use your own BW to practice form)
5 x TGU R
40 x Kettlebell Swings
5 x Clean L
5 x Clean R
40 x Kettlebell Swings
5 x Snatch L
5 x Snatch R
40 Kettlebell Swings
5 x Windmill L
5 x Windmill R

Repeat 2 or 3 x as needed.

Much love

Charlie and Lizzie xxx

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Saturday June 30 WOD

Morning Saturday Swingsistas!

Here it is - short and sharp, heart rate raising, kettlebell swingin', good old fashioned TABATAS!

Set those Timers to 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds.....after you warm up, you're gonna 2 handed swing with everything you've got ! :-)) Let's focus today on shi*t hot technique in each phase of the kettlebell swing. Until Charlie and I can get our vids up (?!), here is the AMAZING Lauren Brooks on that very subject - the 2 handed KB swing.

SNAP THOSE HIPS ladies!! Make sure each and every one of those swings is a work of art, and I guarantee you will feel it ! Maybe, if you want a bigger workout, do it twice more through the day!

It's a stunning day oop north, which is good because my friend and mentor Mr Mark Raynsford is on his way to spend the day teaching and training my Bootcampers with me! I'm excited! Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you get up to....and enjoy those swings!!

Love and kettlebells!

Liz and Charlie xoxoxox

Friday, 29 June 2012

Wod for Friday June 29th 2012!

Here ya go Swingsistas! This should launch us into the weekend nicely!!

12 KB squats  - 1 KB Deadlift
11 KB squats - 2KB Deadlift
10 KB squats - 3KB Deadlifts
9 KB squats - 4 KB Deadlifts

etc etc etc


1 KB squat - 12 KB Deadlifts

Then repeat with burpees and pushups - non kettlebell related but should get that heart rate up!!

Have a crackin' Friday!

Heaps of love

Lizzie & Charlie x

Wednesday, 27 June 2012


Good Morning peeps - It is a beautiful day here in Cambridge, I hope you have some sunshine too 


We had a request for some 'Core' work today, so here goes..  As you may or may not know, Kettlebell exercises work the core all the time, and it is EXTREMELY important to engage your tummy at all times whilst you use them. Imagine you are being punched in the tummy whilst performing all reps - This will encourage  the stabilizer and deep core muscles to work effectively to keep your joints and spine aligned throughout a kettlebell move   ðŸ˜‰

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:-->

12 x Janda Sit-ups
12 x Low Oblique Plank (Hands on Kettlebell if feeling frisky ;) - 2 legs = 1 rep
12 x Russian Twist (Hit Kettlebell down to L+R for 1 rep)
12 x Pullover to Crunch

Have a lovely day,

Charlie and Liz xxx

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


Morning ladies (and gentlemen if we have any here) Here is your Wed WOD ;)

We will be doing reps today rather than time, post your time by all means, but work on technique rather than speed..

I found this site, which gives you 10 free lessons on how to use Kettlebells safely and effectively, take a look and let us know what you think   Facebook page here --> KETTLEBELL SYSTEMA

2-3 ROUNDS OF ->

1. 25 x Kettlebell DBL Swings (as heavy a weight as you have)

2. 3 x Left TGU

3. 3 x Right TGU

4.  5 x Left Windmill

5.  5 x Right Windmill

6. Single or DBL Military Press (If DBL, please do 10, if SGL please do 5 each side)

If you fancy a finisher, please set your timer for 8 rounds of 20/10 and just blast out those Burpees for 8 full rounds ;o)

See ya'll soon !! :o)

Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 25 June 2012


HEY SWINGSISTAS!! Hope this Tuesday is treating you well, I am on the countdown to my holiday :o) YIPPEEEEEEEE!! Sunshine here we come!!

Anyway, for this work-out you will need to set your timer for 8 minutes of work, and then do the following exercises within the ONE minute. If you finish before the ONE minute ends this is your rest ;o)

10 X KB Swings
10 x KB Burpee High Pull
10 x Coffin Sit-ups


Enjoy :o)))) C + L xxx

Humble Apologies!!!

Hey Swingsistas!! Liz here!! MASSIVE apologies for the distinct lack of WOD in your life today! Slight technical hitch.....I left my laptop at home and have been at my studio all day and then to BootCamp! I will endeavour to do better in future!!!!

I am a giant dingbat and normal service will resume tomorrow!

Much love,

Liz xoxox

Friday, 22 June 2012



Today's work-out is OUR version of the 300 ;-)

Make sure you warm up effectively, and then do 30 reps of the following exercises..

1. DBL Kettlebell Swing x 30

2. Goblet Squat x 30

3. Decline Push-up x 30 

4. Reverse Lunge holding the KB x 30

5. Mountain Climber (Hands on KB option - 2 legs = 1 rep) x 30

6. Left Hand Swing x 30

7. Right Hand Swing x 30

8.  Kettlebell Vertical Swing Burpee x 30 

9. Renegade Row (Use 2 KB's if you have them, or BW if only 1) x 30 

10. Kettlebell Sit-up to Shoulder press x 30 (Hold KB to chest with both hands round the bell, then as you sit up, lift over your head)

Do this either once or twice through, then go for a 30 min run and see how far you can get :o)

Have a great week-end tweeps :o)

Love Charlie and Lizzie xxx


Heellloooooooo, it's CRAP weather here in Cambridge!! So probably best to stay indoors for this one :o)

You will do 4 Rounds of the following exercises, taking a 2 minute break after each round

1. 5 Reps of -->  2 squat Jumps, 1 Tuck Jump, to 3 press-ups (That is 1 rep)

2. 25 x Kettlebell Swings (DBL)

3. Bear Crawls - Count 20 reps using your hands (2 hands = 1 rep)

4. 10 x KB Clean L

5. 10 x KB Clean R

After completing 4 Rounds please finish with holding a Front Plank, for as long as possible ;o)

See ya soon,

Charlie and Liz xxx

Thursday, 21 June 2012

SwingSista THURS WOD 21.06.12

This is a RAINY SWINGSISTA WOD for you today, I don't know about you but I am saying "Sod you Summer - I'm wearing my flip-flops anyway!!!!"

Set your timer for 4 Rounds of 45 secs work 15 secs rest -->

1. Skipping

2. Reverse Lunge holding Kettlebell of choice.

3. Renegade Rows (Either with 2 Kb's or BW if only 1 kb)

4. Kettlebell Up and Over    (32 seconds into video) 

Here is a picture of the SUNSHINE to cheer you up :o)

Charlie and Liz xxxx

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

WED WOD ! 20 June 2012

Ladies your WOD for today is as follows.....

10 x pushups (on or off bells, depending on whether you have 2 or not

20 x high swings



10 x squat jumps (weighted or not, depending on strength)

10 x push press (on each arm so 20 total)  (How cool is SHE!!!)


10 x reverse lunges (each leg)

15 x single arm swings (right and left so 30 total)


Make sense? Have fun and PUSH IT !

iPad people - is this easier to read?!

Liz & Charlie xoxox

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

WOD for Tuesday 19th June 2012

WHOA !!! Still sunny!! LOVING IT !!!

Here's your WOD for today lovelies !!! Get out in that sun and ENJOY IT !!! There are all exercises we've done before so hopefully you're familiar with them!

Heaps of love- hope your week is massively productive !

Liz and Charlie xoxo

Monday, 18 June 2012

Monday WOD June 18th 2012

Morning sistas ! Hope you all had a crackin' weekend! The sun is shining up here this morning and it almost looks like a June day, in celebration of that (I hope it's sunny where you are!) let's swing some bells !!

Bit of a timed theme this morning....grab a notepad or your phone to keep track of scores. You are going to work for a minute and rest for a minute and record the number of reps you do in that minute.

Make sure you warm up fully and then go for it !

1. 2 handed KB swings

2. cleans (r)

3. cleans (l)

4. Burpees! (No KB involved, just thought I'd throw them in for fun!)

5.single arms swings (r)

6. single arm swings (l)

7. KB squats

8.KB renegade rows or bodyweight rows if you have one bell

9. KB chest press

10. KB deadlift

That's it! Get cracking with that and post your scores!

Have a great day!

Much love,

Liz & Charlie xoxoxo