I hope you are all well, how are you doing today? What are you doing to move further towards your goals?
As you know I have been training with Kettlebells for sometime, but following a rather bad injury around 8 months ago, I have been working on fixing myself to be able to train again. This combined with many hours of work means that my mojo has been slightly affected over recent months. I feel it is SO important to look after yourself, and teach this to my own clients daily, but have failed to yield my own advice just recently. Therefore, this week, I chose not to teach my 4 bootcamps (that I run) and to have some time with my son in the mornings before he goes to school, and in the evenings - This week I chose to take care of myself..
What do you guys do to take care of yourselves?
Anyway, here is your Tuesday WOD :)
Complete 3 or 4 rounds of the exercises below x
- Bunny Hops X5 Forward X5 Reverse
- Kettlebell Pull-over (bridge) press x 10
- Military press L+R x 10
- Bulgarian Lunge L+R x 10
- High Pull L+R x 10
- Smashes x 10 (Use a weighted ball if you have one, if not, get some sand in a pillow case, and throw that to the floor)
- Box Jumps ;) x 5
- ONE RUN 200m
My plans for training are now being scheduled into my week more often than I have been, and taking care of oneself needs to be a priority :)
Have a great day x
Cambridge Personal Trainer
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