Hey SwingSistas :)
Here is your WOD, again this is another one I have been doing with my Cambridge Boot camper's
I will adapt it for W.O at home..
Give yourself 20-30 minutes, although if you have less time that is equally fine :o)
Get a pack of cards, and shuffle them. Put them in a pile near where you are working out - each suit will represent an exercise. Do the number of reps that the card tells you to do, and see how many cards you can work through in the allotted time.
❤ = Burpee press-up with a forward Jump
♦ = Straight-Leg Dead-Lift
♠ = Kettlebell Swing
♣ = Kettlebell pull-over press
FACES = 25 Reps
ACE = 10 x Reps of everything
JOKER = Sprint as far as you can
I found this EXCELLENT teaching video for the Kettlebell Swing which helps you with trouble spotting if you feel you are experiencing pain or it just feels 'wrong' ..
I hope you enjoy this as much as we did :O)
Charlie x
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