Thursday, 19 July 2012


SwingSista returns :D WE'RE BACK!!!!

I've had THE most fantastic holiday in Crete, and it was DAM hot!! I hear it rained pretty much daily here which is sad, so just make sure you are all taking your vitamin D every day at least 3 x daily. I actually cannot believe how much healthier I feel for having been in the sun!!

Without further ado here is your WOD

Set your timer for 3 Rounds of the following exercises. Take a break of 1 minute if you need to between the 3 rounds. Each exercise needs to be performed for 40 secs with a 20 sec break.

1. Goblet Squat (heaviest KB you have, making sure you retain your form)

2. Kettlebell Heartbeat  -->  Standing tall, hold the kettlebell in two hands and push the KB away from your body. Repeat.

3. Burpee's (press-up on the end optional)

4. Front plank

5. Squat Jumps

6. Aligator Push-ups ;o)

Have a great day, the sun is shining here, so I hope it is for you wherever you are.

Love Charlie and liz xxx

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