Friday, 13 July 2012

Weekend WOD Friday 13th!

Morning all!

Let's go for some 4 minute fun today! Set those stop watches for 4 minutes on 2 minutes off...

You will do the following as many reps as possible 

1. 20 yard sprint out and back and 10 KB squats
2. 10 swings and 1 KB deadlift
3. 5 jerks right, 5 jerks left (or push press if you'd rather)
4. burpee to a high pull (just use one bell if you want)

Keep a record of how may COMPLETE rounds you do per 4 min work period and let us know !

Remember you can follow us on twitter as @lixwallpt and @purplefitness !

Have a GREAT weekend! Your task for Saturday's workout is to pick a previous workout and try and improve on last time you did it! I have a day full of clients so won't be near a computer to upload !

Lotsa love

Liz in a very rainy Wirral and Charlie in a very sunny exotic location .....


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