Wednesday, 5 September 2012

WED WOD !!! 5th September 2012

Morning all! How are we?!

Just getting ready to head to my BootCamp  - they're in for the Filthy 50 this morning  -  mwahaha! If you're Wirral-based and want to check us out please do so at  - 50% membership fee for September if you haven't been before !

Onto the WOD! Been hearing GREAT things about SwingSista wod's getting smashed all over the show - including one of my clients convincing my husband to do the WOD with her after school each day! They're both teachers and train with me and have got some awesome results over the summer and so are determined to keep it up! Very exciting!

Today you have a the top of that minute you must complete 10 overhead swings and 10 burpees (chest to floor, jump at the top if you can!)...then chillllll for the rest of the minute.....get ready to go again and BOOM soon as the next minute starts HIT IT! Pick a number of rounds you think you can complete and aim to do one more than that....or alternatively keep going till you can do no more!!!

Remember to let us know how you get on either here in the comments or on twitter or facebook!

Have a whoopass day peeps!

massive love

Liz x

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