Saturday 30 June 2012

Saturday June 30 WOD

Morning Saturday Swingsistas!

Here it is - short and sharp, heart rate raising, kettlebell swingin', good old fashioned TABATAS!

Set those Timers to 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, 8 rounds.....after you warm up, you're gonna 2 handed swing with everything you've got ! :-)) Let's focus today on shi*t hot technique in each phase of the kettlebell swing. Until Charlie and I can get our vids up (?!), here is the AMAZING Lauren Brooks on that very subject - the 2 handed KB swing.

SNAP THOSE HIPS ladies!! Make sure each and every one of those swings is a work of art, and I guarantee you will feel it ! Maybe, if you want a bigger workout, do it twice more through the day!

It's a stunning day oop north, which is good because my friend and mentor Mr Mark Raynsford is on his way to spend the day teaching and training my Bootcampers with me! I'm excited! Have a wonderful weekend, whatever you get up to....and enjoy those swings!!

Love and kettlebells!

Liz and Charlie xoxoxox

Friday 29 June 2012

Wod for Friday June 29th 2012!

Here ya go Swingsistas! This should launch us into the weekend nicely!!

12 KB squats  - 1 KB Deadlift
11 KB squats - 2KB Deadlift
10 KB squats - 3KB Deadlifts
9 KB squats - 4 KB Deadlifts

etc etc etc


1 KB squat - 12 KB Deadlifts

Then repeat with burpees and pushups - non kettlebell related but should get that heart rate up!!

Have a crackin' Friday!

Heaps of love

Lizzie & Charlie x

Wednesday 27 June 2012


Good Morning peeps - It is a beautiful day here in Cambridge, I hope you have some sunshine too 


We had a request for some 'Core' work today, so here goes..  As you may or may not know, Kettlebell exercises work the core all the time, and it is EXTREMELY important to engage your tummy at all times whilst you use them. Imagine you are being punched in the tummy whilst performing all reps - This will encourage  the stabilizer and deep core muscles to work effectively to keep your joints and spine aligned throughout a kettlebell move   ðŸ˜‰

Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:-->

12 x Janda Sit-ups
12 x Low Oblique Plank (Hands on Kettlebell if feeling frisky ;) - 2 legs = 1 rep
12 x Russian Twist (Hit Kettlebell down to L+R for 1 rep)
12 x Pullover to Crunch

Have a lovely day,

Charlie and Liz xxx

Tuesday 26 June 2012


Morning ladies (and gentlemen if we have any here) Here is your Wed WOD ;)

We will be doing reps today rather than time, post your time by all means, but work on technique rather than speed..

I found this site, which gives you 10 free lessons on how to use Kettlebells safely and effectively, take a look and let us know what you think   Facebook page here --> KETTLEBELL SYSTEMA

2-3 ROUNDS OF ->

1. 25 x Kettlebell DBL Swings (as heavy a weight as you have)

2. 3 x Left TGU

3. 3 x Right TGU

4.  5 x Left Windmill

5.  5 x Right Windmill

6. Single or DBL Military Press (If DBL, please do 10, if SGL please do 5 each side)

If you fancy a finisher, please set your timer for 8 rounds of 20/10 and just blast out those Burpees for 8 full rounds ;o)

See ya'll soon !! :o)

Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday 25 June 2012


HEY SWINGSISTAS!! Hope this Tuesday is treating you well, I am on the countdown to my holiday :o) YIPPEEEEEEEE!! Sunshine here we come!!

Anyway, for this work-out you will need to set your timer for 8 minutes of work, and then do the following exercises within the ONE minute. If you finish before the ONE minute ends this is your rest ;o)

10 X KB Swings
10 x KB Burpee High Pull
10 x Coffin Sit-ups


Enjoy :o)))) C + L xxx

Humble Apologies!!!

Hey Swingsistas!! Liz here!! MASSIVE apologies for the distinct lack of WOD in your life today! Slight technical hitch.....I left my laptop at home and have been at my studio all day and then to BootCamp! I will endeavour to do better in future!!!!

I am a giant dingbat and normal service will resume tomorrow!

Much love,

Liz xoxox

Friday 22 June 2012



Today's work-out is OUR version of the 300 ;-)

Make sure you warm up effectively, and then do 30 reps of the following exercises..

1. DBL Kettlebell Swing x 30

2. Goblet Squat x 30

3. Decline Push-up x 30 

4. Reverse Lunge holding the KB x 30

5. Mountain Climber (Hands on KB option - 2 legs = 1 rep) x 30

6. Left Hand Swing x 30

7. Right Hand Swing x 30

8.  Kettlebell Vertical Swing Burpee x 30 

9. Renegade Row (Use 2 KB's if you have them, or BW if only 1) x 30 

10. Kettlebell Sit-up to Shoulder press x 30 (Hold KB to chest with both hands round the bell, then as you sit up, lift over your head)

Do this either once or twice through, then go for a 30 min run and see how far you can get :o)

Have a great week-end tweeps :o)

Love Charlie and Lizzie xxx


Heellloooooooo, it's CRAP weather here in Cambridge!! So probably best to stay indoors for this one :o)

You will do 4 Rounds of the following exercises, taking a 2 minute break after each round

1. 5 Reps of -->  2 squat Jumps, 1 Tuck Jump, to 3 press-ups (That is 1 rep)

2. 25 x Kettlebell Swings (DBL)

3. Bear Crawls - Count 20 reps using your hands (2 hands = 1 rep)

4. 10 x KB Clean L

5. 10 x KB Clean R

After completing 4 Rounds please finish with holding a Front Plank, for as long as possible ;o)

See ya soon,

Charlie and Liz xxx

Thursday 21 June 2012

SwingSista THURS WOD 21.06.12

This is a RAINY SWINGSISTA WOD for you today, I don't know about you but I am saying "Sod you Summer - I'm wearing my flip-flops anyway!!!!"

Set your timer for 4 Rounds of 45 secs work 15 secs rest -->

1. Skipping

2. Reverse Lunge holding Kettlebell of choice.

3. Renegade Rows (Either with 2 Kb's or BW if only 1 kb)

4. Kettlebell Up and Over    (32 seconds into video) 

Here is a picture of the SUNSHINE to cheer you up :o)

Charlie and Liz xxxx

Wednesday 20 June 2012

WED WOD ! 20 June 2012

Ladies your WOD for today is as follows.....

10 x pushups (on or off bells, depending on whether you have 2 or not

20 x high swings



10 x squat jumps (weighted or not, depending on strength)

10 x push press (on each arm so 20 total)  (How cool is SHE!!!)


10 x reverse lunges (each leg)

15 x single arm swings (right and left so 30 total)


Make sense? Have fun and PUSH IT !

iPad people - is this easier to read?!

Liz & Charlie xoxox

Tuesday 19 June 2012

WOD for Tuesday 19th June 2012

WHOA !!! Still sunny!! LOVING IT !!!

Here's your WOD for today lovelies !!! Get out in that sun and ENJOY IT !!! There are all exercises we've done before so hopefully you're familiar with them!

Heaps of love- hope your week is massively productive !

Liz and Charlie xoxo

Monday 18 June 2012

Monday WOD June 18th 2012

Morning sistas ! Hope you all had a crackin' weekend! The sun is shining up here this morning and it almost looks like a June day, in celebration of that (I hope it's sunny where you are!) let's swing some bells !!

Bit of a timed theme this morning....grab a notepad or your phone to keep track of scores. You are going to work for a minute and rest for a minute and record the number of reps you do in that minute.

Make sure you warm up fully and then go for it !

1. 2 handed KB swings

2. cleans (r)

3. cleans (l)

4. Burpees! (No KB involved, just thought I'd throw them in for fun!)

5.single arms swings (r)

6. single arm swings (l)

7. KB squats

8.KB renegade rows or bodyweight rows if you have one bell

9. KB chest press

10. KB deadlift

That's it! Get cracking with that and post your scores!

Have a great day!

Much love,

Liz & Charlie xoxoxo

Thursday 14 June 2012


Good morning to ya, and YES it's FRIDAY!! If you read this give us a RT and a #FF ;o)

Get yourself outside to the park today, take your kettlebell, ignore the rain, visualise the sun, and nail this WOD! 

Set your timer for 4 rounds of 40 secs work with 15 secs rest! 

The how to: -->

Decline Push-ups  -->  Yes thats meeeeee!! Decline push ups at 1min 55 secs ;) 

Pull-up from bar  (Watch from 33 seconds) 

Kettlebell Bootstrapper Squat

Tactical Lunges

Have a great day, 

Charlie and Liz xxx

WOD for Thursday June 13th 2012

Morning everyone ! Sorry for slight delay, I had to eat before I could focus ! Without further ado here it is ...your workout for today! We're starting off with legs and working our way up the body today!

2 KB Suitcase Squats 10 reps
KB Single leg Deadlifts (KB in opposite hand) 10 each leg
KB High pull 10 reps
KB cleans 5 each side
KB snatch 5 each side

Take a rest and repeat 3-4 x depending on how you're doing today!! Enjoy and GO FOR IT !!!
Love Liz & Charlie !

Tuesday 12 June 2012


Hey Swingsistas, I hope Wednesday finds you well!

Here is your WED WOD ;o)

The HOW TO: -->

Push Press 

2 Handed Swing

1 Arm Row

High Pulls


Please let us know how you are getting on :p

Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday 11 June 2012

Tuesday WOD ! !2th June

The WOD today is brought to you by a great friend of #swingsista....the one and only Mr Matt Shore! You can find him at or as @mattshorept on twitter. Matt is a top guy in a myriad of ways....check him out!

Onto your WOD!

It's a 21-15-9 workout.

KB deadlift

Double KB pushpress

Burpees - some pretty advanced stuff there! Go with normal burpees without bells if you're unsure!

OR just do straight burpees!

So you do 21 reps of each, then 15 and then 9 of each one, straight through, no resting!


L&C with a MAHOOSIVE thanks to Matt :-))

Sunday 10 June 2012


MORRRNINNNG!!! It sure is raining here in Cambridge today, so this WOD is a short 10 minute AMRAP (As many rounds as possible)

Grab a kettlebell, set your timer for 10 minutes ~ Make sure you warm up effectively, and foam roll prior to your work-out :o)

The How to -->

Kettlebell Swings

Skater Jumps

Walk Lunge with KB

Tuck Jump

Triple Crush

See you tomorrow

C + L

Friday 8 June 2012


 Morrrrning SwingSistas!!!!!

Today's WOD is brought to you by the lovely James Breese of Kettlebell Fever    I haven't had a chance to write about my training with him last week, but it was AWESOME. Myself and two others travelled to London to train with James for 4 hours. We covered a LOT including Primal Move, and the aim of the day was to lift HEAVY!!! And boy did we lift heavy!! I swung a 24kg which is the heaviest I have ever SWUNG, and particularly excellent, given I have been training post recovery from a nasty virus. I actually failed to press a 14kg which really disappointed me, but taking the positives from the day, we achieved a lot and had a huge amount of laughs :o)

Now our #SwingSista Lizzie has hurt her arm, so sadly most kettlebell moves are out for her whilst she recovers, so I'd like to say a MASSIVE GET RECOVERED SOON, to her, and I hope you will all help me shout that out to her, especially if you are on Twitter -->!/lixwallPT


TODAY, I am off to that there London (again) to train with Mike Mahler, and CJ Swaby, so this is an early one for me, and I know it will be a LONG, HARD, but EXCELLENT day!! 

Here is your WOD for today from James!! 

"Ladies 8 - 12kg Bell
                                   (Men - 16 - 24kg) BellSwing and Goblet Squat Ladder!

  For the Goblet Squats descend below parallel and elbows must touch the knees - No Cheating!!

               To be completed WITHOUT putting the bell Down!

10 Two Handed Swings, 10 Goblet Squats, 9 Two Handed Swings, 9 Goblet Squats, 8 Two Handed Swings, 8 Goblet Squats etc...1 Two Handed Swings, 1 Goblet Squat 

                         Find a bucket and puke in it! :-)Too Easy?? Get a heavier Bell and repeat!!Enjoy!" 

Happy Saturday SwingSista LOVE,

C + L xxx

Friday WOD !

Here ya go Swingsistas !! Get on this!


Set your timers for 30secs on and off.

Start with

KB swings (2 hands) then take 30 secs rest (don't get too comfy -it gets harder!)

Then back to KB swings for 30 secs, then add on
squats to overhead press....then 3 secs rest...
then add on
chest press
change hand swings
tricep extension
swings (2 hands)

Then take 2 minutes rest and do it all backwards! Make sure you take off one exercise each time!

HAVE FUN! !!!!!

L&C x

Thursday 7 June 2012

SwingSista WOD Thursday 7th June :)

Morning SwingSista crew, this morning we have chosen a fun Kettlebell complex by the lovely Mike Mahler. I was watching this this morning, and figured that this would be a great WOD for us to put up for you guys, and especially as I am going to train with the Mahler this Saturday in London and couldn't be more excited, so this WOD is in tribute to HIM! If you look at Mike's site under links and resources you will find my name with a link to my (ahem unfinished) website!!! I think I may faint!!! ;o) The other UK guys mentioned are certainly top of their game, so this is REAL honour!! 

So, the idea behind this complex is that you pick a lighter bell than usual, and practice your techniques - You could use this as a warm-up or cool down, or just to for conditioning. A complex means that you will go straight from 1 exercise to the other until complex is complete. 

You will do 3 rounds of:-->

10 x L press
10 x L snatch
10 x R press
10 x R snatch
10 x L cleans
10 x R cleans
10 x L handed swings
10 x R handed swings

Repeat for a total of 3 rounds non-stop (hopefully)

You can watch the video for technique or go back to some of our other videos that contain all these exercises. 

Lizzie and I will be doing this later, have fun :o)

Charlie + Lizzie xxx

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Happppppyyyyy Wednesday to all our #swingsista's out there :o)  We hope you've had a great 4 day holiday (if you were able to take some time off work?) Lizzie and I both enjoyed the work free days, which is why we have been silent ;)

So this WOD will hopefully ease you back in gently if you've had a BUSY few days..

Make sure you warm-up and stretch off effectively before and after each work-out.


The How To :-)

1.100 x Skips
2. 10 x Left Plank Dip
3. 10 x Right Plank Dip
4. 10 x Goblet Squat 
5. 10 x Heavy duty swings

Try to go as heavy as possible on the last two exercises as the reps are low.

Have a great day peeps :o) x

Saturday 2 June 2012

SaturdaySwingSista's WOD

Quickie post today for the SaturdaySwingSista's As its the jubilee weekend so like us we are presuming you peeps are superswingingly busy 😉 So take your timer and set it for 12 rounds of 45 seconds work with 15 seconds rest. 3 exercises repeated 4 times. Simple but effective. 1. High knee skips 2. Kettlebell Swing to goblet squat 3. Coffin sit up. I'm hoping you will know these exercises as I'm doing this on my phone 😉 Have a great w.e peeps. Happy Jubilee. Love Charlie and Lizzie. X ☺

Friday 1 June 2012

WOD for Friday June 1st, 2012

Hey everyone ! Apologies for slight technical hiccup...apparently iPhone isn't terribly au fait with blogger just yet! PPFFT!!!

Anyhoops - without further ado, here's your WOD for Friday !

As usual, the How To.....

Kettlebell bootstrapper Squat

Kettlebell Kickstand Lunge      Goblet Squat

Burpee's press-up with a tuck jump


L&C xxx