Friday, 8 June 2012


 Morrrrning SwingSistas!!!!!

Today's WOD is brought to you by the lovely James Breese of Kettlebell Fever    I haven't had a chance to write about my training with him last week, but it was AWESOME. Myself and two others travelled to London to train with James for 4 hours. We covered a LOT including Primal Move, and the aim of the day was to lift HEAVY!!! And boy did we lift heavy!! I swung a 24kg which is the heaviest I have ever SWUNG, and particularly excellent, given I have been training post recovery from a nasty virus. I actually failed to press a 14kg which really disappointed me, but taking the positives from the day, we achieved a lot and had a huge amount of laughs :o)

Now our #SwingSista Lizzie has hurt her arm, so sadly most kettlebell moves are out for her whilst she recovers, so I'd like to say a MASSIVE GET RECOVERED SOON, to her, and I hope you will all help me shout that out to her, especially if you are on Twitter -->!/lixwallPT


TODAY, I am off to that there London (again) to train with Mike Mahler, and CJ Swaby, so this is an early one for me, and I know it will be a LONG, HARD, but EXCELLENT day!! 

Here is your WOD for today from James!! 

"Ladies 8 - 12kg Bell
                                   (Men - 16 - 24kg) BellSwing and Goblet Squat Ladder!

  For the Goblet Squats descend below parallel and elbows must touch the knees - No Cheating!!

               To be completed WITHOUT putting the bell Down!

10 Two Handed Swings, 10 Goblet Squats, 9 Two Handed Swings, 9 Goblet Squats, 8 Two Handed Swings, 8 Goblet Squats etc...1 Two Handed Swings, 1 Goblet Squat 

                         Find a bucket and puke in it! :-)Too Easy?? Get a heavier Bell and repeat!!Enjoy!" 

Happy Saturday SwingSista LOVE,

C + L xxx

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