Monday, 30 July 2012

Monday July 30th WOD!

Errr HOW is it almost August already??!! MAAAAAAN ALIIIIVE!!!!

MAHOOSIVE WELL DONE to Charlie & the Cambridge Crew for smashing a top challenge at Spartan Race this weekend - way to go ladies!!!!!

Ok so WOD for today....

4 x TGU (2L, 2R)
1 min pressup hold/extended arm plank

x 3

C'est tout! It's TOUGH!!!!!

Have a goodun!

Liz and Charlie xxx

Friday, 27 July 2012


MORRRRNING :O) Happy Saturday to you tweeps, I'm feeling a tad tired this morning as I waited up to see who lit the Olympic Torch last night! How did YOU find the Olympic ceremony?

I am doing the Spartan Race tomorrow in Cambridge with a whole load of Cambridge Bootcamp ladies, so in honour of that, here is your WOD "SPARTAN 300"


50 X Kettlebell Swings
50 x Goblet Squat
50 x Burpee's
50 x Mountain Climbers (option hands on KB)
25 x Snatch L
25 x Snatch R
25 x Coffin Sit-up
25 x Static Inchworm to press-up 

Post your times and let us know how you get on.

Have a great day, C+L xxx

SWINGSISTA WOD Fri 27th July'12

Hellooooooo SwingSistas, sorry for late post, I've been in sunny London with my boy!! We have some exciting news, we launched our new Facebook page yesterday.... Here it is!!

SWINGSISTA ON FACEBOOK      If you get the chance please like us and share our page.. THANK YOU!! 

Today's work-out is bought to you by the letter O for OLYMPICS!!!!!

3 Rounds :--->

1. Inchworm to X-Body Mnt Climber to press-up  10/15 Reps

2. 10 x Clean L

3. 10 x Clean R

4.  Single Leg Dead-Lift L x 10/15

5. Single Leg Dead-Lift x 10/15

6. Front Plank - Option, jump feet from side to side x 20. If no jump, tap each leg out 20 x

If needed rest for 1 minute between rounds :O)


Charlie and Liz xxx

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Thursday WOD July 26th 2012

Morning tout le monde! How's the weather? Sucks here!!! WTF??! But let's not let it screw with our workout!

Have a bash at this!

20 x swings of choice - 1 jump squat to burpee (squat down, drive up into a jump, land in a squat, hands down, jump feet out, back in, stand up tall, )

19 x swings of choice - 2 jump squat to burpee

18x swings of choice - 3 jump squat to burpee

aaaaand so on until we hit 1 x swing and 20 jump squat to burpee..........


(Watch your knees if you have issues - maybe go with squats and/or get ups as a lesser impact option)

Have a crackin day!
L&C x

Monday, 23 July 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD for TUES 24th July 2012

Good morning tweeps, it's SO GORGEOUS outside today, this one is for the park :D  Take 1 or 2 of your chosen Kettlebells with you, some water and your timer :D

Set your timer for 50/20 x 6 rounds and repeat as many times as you like.

1. Bulgarian Lunge holding the KB in Left Hand. Right foot on bench.

2.  Bulgarian Lunge holding KB in R hand. L foot on bench. 

3. Walking Kettlebell Swing 

4. Pull-up from Climbing Frame

5. Uneven Squats on a step R leg (Let KB hang is in video)

6. Uneven Squats on step L leg (Let kb hang as in video) 

Hope you enjoy that one . Let us know how you get on 

Much love, Charlie and Liz xxx

Friday, 20 July 2012


Morrrrrning, this one is inspired by the lovely new CATWOMAN, and especially for Lizzie's Saturday SwingSista 9am WOD with her crew ;o)

This should take you approx 15 minutes 5 exercises 40 secs on 20 secs rest. Work to your MAXIMUM potential for the whole 40 seconds.  Your option is to rest in-between the 5 exercises or just plough on through with no rest :D

1. Catwoman Kettlebell O/H Swing

2. Catwoman Kettlebell Russian Twist

3. Catwoman Crawl

4. Catwoman Burpee side2side crunch (add press-up for an extra push)

5. Catwoman Figure 8 to hold  

Make sure you warm up and cool down effectively incorporating some good stretches to maintain your Catwoman like flexibility ;o)

Ciou Charlie and Liz xxx


Happy FRIDAY!!! I am off to see SPIDERMAN tomorrow (I know, I'm a sucker for a super hero) ;) So, in honour of the webbed wonder, please find todays WOD :D

AMRAP in 10 mins --->

20 x Spider Lunges

20 x Spider Rotational Squat Jumps

20 x Spider sumo squat to high pull 

20 x Spider Plank (2 legs = 2 reps)

Mwahahahaha :D

Enjoy Charl and Liz xxx

Thursday, 19 July 2012


SwingSista returns :D WE'RE BACK!!!!

I've had THE most fantastic holiday in Crete, and it was DAM hot!! I hear it rained pretty much daily here which is sad, so just make sure you are all taking your vitamin D every day at least 3 x daily. I actually cannot believe how much healthier I feel for having been in the sun!!

Without further ado here is your WOD

Set your timer for 3 Rounds of the following exercises. Take a break of 1 minute if you need to between the 3 rounds. Each exercise needs to be performed for 40 secs with a 20 sec break.

1. Goblet Squat (heaviest KB you have, making sure you retain your form)

2. Kettlebell Heartbeat  -->  Standing tall, hold the kettlebell in two hands and push the KB away from your body. Repeat.

3. Burpee's (press-up on the end optional)

4. Front plank

5. Squat Jumps

6. Aligator Push-ups ;o)

Have a great day, the sun is shining here, so I hope it is for you wherever you are.

Love Charlie and liz xxx

Friday, 13 July 2012

Weekend WOD Friday 13th!

Morning all!

Let's go for some 4 minute fun today! Set those stop watches for 4 minutes on 2 minutes off...

You will do the following as many reps as possible 

1. 20 yard sprint out and back and 10 KB squats
2. 10 swings and 1 KB deadlift
3. 5 jerks right, 5 jerks left (or push press if you'd rather)
4. burpee to a high pull (just use one bell if you want)

Keep a record of how may COMPLETE rounds you do per 4 min work period and let us know !

Remember you can follow us on twitter as @lixwallpt and @purplefitness !

Have a GREAT weekend! Your task for Saturday's workout is to pick a previous workout and try and improve on last time you did it! I have a day full of clients so won't be near a computer to upload !

Lotsa love

Liz in a very rainy Wirral and Charlie in a very sunny exotic location .....


Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Thursday WOD July 12th 2012

Hi gang! WOW! Thursday already!! Hope you're having a great week!

Let's go for 2 minute torture today! You need a timer for 2 minutes....

Idea is you work with wonderful and safe technique making each rep count for 2 minutes per exercise. On the single arm exercises you can change when you like to the other hand to prevent too much fatiguing, also you may rest whenever you like, but the clock carries on ticking!!

Go through the exercises one by one- take a minute or two rest in between. remember the idea with short wods is to maximise intensity, work hard and overload the body (in the right way) creating a training effect!

1 - Forward stepping lunges holding KB with rotation through torso over lead leg
2 - burpees
3 - 2 handed swings
4 - cleans
5- halos
6 - KB squats
7 - high swings
8 - push press


Love Liz and Charlie xoxo

WED WOD July 11th 2012

Hola chicas!

Heeeeeere it is !!1 QUICK! Get out int hat sun before it hoons it down again!!!!


20 secs on/10 secs off

2 exercises, so 4 rounds of each

1. 2 hand swings and pushups

2. left then right hand swings plus weighted squats

3. changing hand swings and forward stepping lunges with an overhead press

4. cleans right then left and burpees

Have some fun with that one! Soon as I can lift and swing again I will JOIN YOU and video each workout to make it easier to see technique!

Have a great Weds!

L & C x

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Tuesday WOD July 10th 2012

Evening!! :-)) I have now returned from Festival madness! Wish I could say it has been a relaxing break but it ended up rather a mad one......Have heard from our Charlie, she's having a wonderful time chilling in the both of us swingsistas are recharging our batteries - albeit in different ways !

Without further ado here is today's WOD! Let's go with the good ol' 21-15-9

You will perform 21 reps, then 15, then 9 of the following:

2 handed swings (go heavy)
Weighted jump squats (holding KB)
Coffin sit ups

Not a long workout but go for weight and intensity! If you're really jonesing for a longer workout take a rest and do another round!Remember though, KB workouts should be short, sharp and shocking ! HAVE A GREAT TUESDAY!

Big love

L & C xxx

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

WOD for Thursday July 5th 2012

Hello lovely ladies! I am posting this early because I have a manic day of clients ! And Friday I am away at a Festival so there will be no WOD till Monday next week - lucky for you you have PLENTY to choose from !!

Today however, let's focus on our pins!

45 secs high knees - hard, high and fast as you can
Walking lunges - 20  - with an overhead KB press if you can, or just hold onto your KB for extra resistance
Then sit in a squat, hold your KB for resistance and do a COMPASS....20 paces forward, 20 back, 20 left and 20 right WITHOUT coming out of the squat!! It's a KILLER - I've been doing this with a yoga band around my knees for a few weeks and it totally gets your glutes firing!
Finish with 5 burpees

Take a rest and go again! Focus not on speed but on uniformity of reps and cracking technique.Load those legs ladies !!

Have a great weekend, let us know which of the previous workouts you do this Friday!!

Until next week,

Liz x


Hi gals! You're stuck with me for a couple weeks while Charles is off sunning herself on a well earned BREAK with her fam!

So here goes for today!

5 rounds of

10 jump squats
20 swings
10 push ups
20 swings
10 jump lunges (a left and a right is ONE)
20 swings

Rest 1-2 mins and repeat!

Go do it !!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012


GOOD AFTERNOON!!! So sorry for the delay today I have been NON-STOP busy trying to sort everything before my HOLIDAY tomorrow, so this is the last post you will get from me for a while, handing over to the lovely LIZ for the whole 2 weeks!! :D


Set your timer for 3 Rounds of 50/10

1. Stiff leg Dead-lift

2. Sumo Squat to high-pull

3. Halo

4. Coffin Sit-up

5. Cannon Balls (hahaha) ;o)

Much love,

Adios amigos

Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 2 July 2012

SwingSista WOD for Monday 2nd July 2012

Morning guys, Happy Monday to ya!! Lizzie and I have both had a fantastic weekend :D

Lizzie's tribe met with Mark Raynsford who owns BodyFit Bootcamp and from what I can see they had a hugely positive + successful day ..

As for me, my Cambridge Bootcamp team took the Race For Life warm up with near on 8000 women all star-jumping with us!! I have never seen anything like this in my life, it was certainly one of the BEST experiences of my life!!

So, here is your Monday #SwingSista #WOD :o))))

40 x Kettlebell dbl handed swings.
5 x TGU L   (If you are not comfortable using weight, use your own BW to practice form)
5 x TGU R
40 x Kettlebell Swings
5 x Clean L
5 x Clean R
40 x Kettlebell Swings
5 x Snatch L
5 x Snatch R
40 Kettlebell Swings
5 x Windmill L
5 x Windmill R

Repeat 2 or 3 x as needed.

Much love

Charlie and Lizzie xxx