Sunday, 20 May 2012

A word from Charlieeee :)

Hi, yes I know I'm a ding-bat Lixy, I have been affectionately termed a 'Techno-dunce' by many Facebook friends :p

Today, I told Lizzie that I would not be doing the WOD as myself and some of my Cambridge Bootcamp ladies were running the Wimpole 10k. There were 500 runners today, and it was cold, windy, muddy and a wee bit rainy :/  I personally have not run since the Cambridge Half Marathon, firstly because my knee was damaged doing those 13 miles, and secondly, I was struck down with a chronic chest infection quite soon after that marathon which has had lasting effects on my chest. I was quite apprehensive about doing it today, but with all the Cambridge Bootcamp chicks there, I knew it would be OK.

It was VERY hilly!! (This IS Cambridge where I am constantly being told its flat!!) That first hill nearly had me turning round and walking back to the start line with my tail between my legs..  My chest was screaming at me and hugely tight, something I have never experienced before, which stopped me running and as people began to overtake me, I did ponder whether I could run the rest of the race. Then one of my best mates ran past me, put her hand on my back, and I re-started. I felt the rest of the 10k for every single step BUT did complete it in 62 mins!!!

It struck me whilst running that beautiful countryside, that whilst I really do NOT enjoy running, there is a teeny tiny part that wants to master it, and learn to enjoy it. Part of the reason of this blog with Lizzie was to kick our own asses, and running is my nemesis!! So, I would like this also to be part of my own training. I find it very difficult to fit running into my life, as it seems to take me so blinking long to run ANYWHERE!!

WOD will be posted tomorrow for Monday's ass-kicking :-)

Charlie x

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