Thursday, 30 August 2012


Morning peeps, it's still August but feels more like November here!! I've had to resort to putting the heating on (I know I am a wimp!!)   Welcome back to our Lizzie, who I hope has had a fantastic holiday!! :)

Much news today.. Firstly, Cambridge Bootcamps has been nominated for an award with Velvet Magazine, which is amazing.  IF you have two minutes could you PLEASE vote for us (No's 14+19)   It really won't take you very long, and you may win a prize!

Secondly, James Breese and myself are running a Kettlebell and Primal Move work-shop this SUNDAY in CAMBRIDGE (See deets here --> ) We will be teaching the fundamental Primal Move concepts, and RKC Kettlebell moves.  This is a very exciting event, which I am really looking forward to!

So, for today, your WOD will consist of 2 x 6 minute rounds.. 4 exercises @30secs each with a 10 sec rest. (rest after the first round should you wish)

Set your GYMBOSS timer for 30/10

1. Left forward and reverse lunge (43 secs in - Hold Kettlebell in opposite hand, or both hands if u have 2) 

2. Right forward and reverse lunge (as above)

3. Jump Squat

4. Squat Thrust 


Second part. Have 1 min rest if needed before this set.

1. Triple Jump 

2. Burpee (use kettlebell as optional here)

3. Side Plank Left. Add dip from hip to floor to make this harder. 

4.  Side Plank Right. 


Have a great day guys, see you soon :O)

Charlie and Lizzie xxx

Friday, 24 August 2012


Hey hey hey....  Hope this WOD finds you well!! I have had a tremendously busy week, meeting with some awesome Fit-pro's, and working with Cambridge Bootcamps!!   (More of that to come next week!)

Here is your WOD for today!!

50/10 x 5  Repeat as you see fit ;)

1.  Alternating Dead clean + press

2. Touch Jumps

3. Kettlebell Suitcase DL (If only one KB, change half way)

4. Plank chest tap

5.  V-Push-ups

Have fun and a great B/H w.e

Charlie x

Monday, 20 August 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Tuesday 21.08.12

MORNING!! Anyone else getting bitten to DEATH by a new breed of Mosquitos??? What ARE they?? I have spent most of my life being the smug bird who never got bitten!! NOW, I am being eaten alive by things that leave HUGE holes on your body!! And they HURT!! Daggnamit!

Anyhoooo, today's challenge is a Time Trial..

Get your timer, and your favourite Kettlebell.

Time yourself doing 300 x dbl Handed kettlebell swings. Post your time :O)

If you have time go for a power walk, or a 5 k run straight afterwards.

Muchos love,

Charlie x

Saturday, 18 August 2012


Happy Saturday peeps, Lizzie is now away on a well deserved break, and it is MEGA hot here already, so I am hoping for a scorchio day! Best get the WOD done early to avoid working out in the heat that is due today :O) Wahoooo!

TIMER -> Set for 30 secs work x 4 30 secs rest.

1. Walking Kettlebell swing forward.

2. Walking kettlebell swing (backwards) 

3. Walk-out to press-up 

4. High-Knees OR Skipping with High Knees.

Repeat 4 or 5 times as time allows.

Have a GREAT w/e.

Charlie x

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

SWINGSISTA WOD Thursday 16.08.12

Happy Thursday to you guys :O)  Today's w.o will be fast and furious... Just 12 mins of pure TABATTA training.  Set your timer for 18 Rounds of 20/10

1. Heavy Kettlebell Swing

2. Burpee to star Jump

3. Goblet Squat

4. Left Clean

5. Right Clean

6. Low Plank Oblique 

“Live life fully while you're here. Experience everything. Take care of yourself and your friends. Have fun, be crazy, be weird. Go out and screw up! You're going to anyway, so you might as well enjoy the process. Take the opportunity to learn from your mistakes: find the cause of your problem and eliminate it. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.” 
― Anthony Robbins

Charlie + Liz x


Short and sweet!!

20 thrusters to 1 swing
19 thrusters to 2 swings
18 thrusters to 3 swings

1 thruster to 20 swings

Lather, rinse, repeat

I am officially ON HOLLIBOBS from early Friday am so will leave you in the awesome hands of Charlie Wall :-)

See you SOON!

Liz x

Monday, 13 August 2012


Hey guys, hope you are all GOOD!! Today we will focus on technique for some of those trickier moves ;)

Please set your timer for 3 min rounds - 1 min rest.. x 6.  Repeat if you want to ..

1. TGU

2.  Windmill L  (Double Windmill if you have two Kettlebells) 

3.  TGU R

4. Windmill R

5. Skipping

6. 10  x Heavy swings + 10 Burpees

See ya'll tomorrow,

C+L x

Monday August 13th WOD

Here it is - The Filthy 50! Done this recently with a couple of clients - needless to say they have LOVED luck everyone :-))

Grab a bell, start that timer  and off you go...... (PLEASE don't sacrifice good technique for time!!)

You will do 50 reps of the following, straight through, rest when you need but the clock stil tickkkkkks.....

  1. 2 handed swings
  2. Reverse lunge with OHP
  3. Cleans (swapping hands when you need! )
  4. Coffin sit ups
  5. alternate hand swings
  6. KB thrusters
  7. Snatches changing hand when needed
  8. Right hand swings
  9. Left hand swings
  10. KB deadlifts
Go go goooooooo!!!

Love L&C x

Saturday, 11 August 2012


Hello, and a HAPPY SATURDAY to you all! :O) I'm off to Mersea Island today to enjoy the sunshine, wahooo! Bring on the beach! Here is your WOD for today, which I have just done, and have to say it's a good'un.. 

Workout: --> AMRAP 20 min

Cossack squat 5 each side 

Heavy swing X 10   Choose your heaviest kettlebell, or if you have two lighter KB's, do a double swing.
Commando Crawl 30 ft
Deck Squat x 10
1 run round park OR block

In case you missed it, I was interviewed by Management Today about why I started up my company Cambridge Bootcamps.. Read the interview HERE 

Let us know how many rounds you managed, and have a GREAT w.e.

Much love, 

Charlie and Liz x

Thursday, 9 August 2012


hey hey swingsistas :O)  Today, we have the honour of providing a work-out by the lovely Jen Sinkler (Survival of the Fittest) who actually did this Kettlebell work-out for Marianne Kane of MyOMyTV

It was such a goodie, that I thought I would post it here, and with their permission... Here it is :O)

I particularly love the Kettlebell snatch lunges ...

Off to do this now..

Ciao Charlie and Liz xxx

Monday, 6 August 2012


Hey there peeps :)  Busy ol w.e here in Cambridge!! I hope the sun is shining for you guys, it's trying to come out here!

Here is your WOD for today.. We did this at our Saturday Shred session this w/e with Cambridge Bootcamps.  You will need to be in your garden/ park or outside somewhere. Take a minutes rest in between each round if you need. To see what the exercise is, hover your mouse over the exercise, click and it should take you to a YouTube video.

3-4 Rounds of :-->

1. 10 x Goblet Squats, run 20m, then do 10 x arse to grass squats, run back.

2. If pull-up bar, 20 x assisted pull-ups. If using playground, use bar with feet on the floor for easier option.

3. 20 x Coffin sit-ups

4. 20 x Tactical Lunges

5. Run around your block, or park area.

6.  Bear Crawl 20m and return.

Hope you enjoy this one :O)

Charlie and Liz x

Friday, 3 August 2012


Morning tweeples, a very busy week for both myself and Lixy, my son has been very poorly, so getting to the laptop for workouts has been pretty much non-existent!! HOWEVER, today at Cambridge Bootcamps we have had a SUPERHERO day, and this appears to have caused excitement on twitter :O)

Therefore I said I would post the exact w.o we are doing today with the girls for SWINGSISTA!

We did 3 rounds of the 50/10 Tabatta, and then tried to complete the last group of exercises as quickly as possible! I would suggest doing the 50/10 today, and saving the last part for your Saturday w.o if time is short.

Spiderman Burpee

Hell boy Smash downs (45 secs, minus the burpee attached, unless you really want to :)))

Elastagirl Squat to press

Silver Surfer pop-ups - Jump up low, rather than stand to squat as this girl is doing

Wonderwoman starjump, 4 x punches

Incredible Dash (sprint!)

Hope you enjoy this!!  IF you don't have any sandbags, do a Kettlebell Swing for 50 seconds like you mean it ;)

Much love, Charlie and Liz xxx