Saturday, 13 October 2012

SaturdaySwingSista WOD 13.10.12

For todays WOD I will be completing the following exercises for 15 minutes, and seeing how many rounds I can complete..

  • 100 x Skips
  • 25 x Kettlebell Swings (14kg)
  • 10 x Left Windmill (12kg)
  • 10 x Right Windmill (12kg)
  • SL Romanian Dead-Lift L x 10
  • SL Romanian Dead-Lift R  x 10 

I managed 3 full rounds, however, I used a 12kg for the Kettlebell Windmill, NOT a 10kg as per notes in the picture above!

Let us know how you got on :D

Have a great Saturday,

Charlie x

Thursday, 11 October 2012


Hi everyone, HAPPY THURSDAY :D 

Today's blog will be short and sweet as I have time this morning to get the WOD done!! Yay me!!! 

We will be working on some Isometrics today, so get your ZONE on! 

Set your timer for 4 rounds of 50/10 and complete these couplets.

1.  Goblet Squat 
2. Hold a wall squat  (Advanced hold the weight) 

2. Hold a low press-up position 

2. Hold low sumo squat (Option raise heels) 

2. Front plank with glute squeeze


Charlie x 

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Tuesday SWINGSISTA 09.10.12

Morning my SwingSistas :O)

I hope you are all well, how are you doing today?  What are you doing to move further towards your goals?

As you know I have been training with Kettlebells for sometime, but following a rather bad injury around 8 months ago, I have been working on fixing myself to be able to train again. This combined with many hours of work means that my mojo has been slightly affected over recent months. I feel it is SO important to look after yourself, and teach this to my own clients daily, but have failed to yield my own advice just recently. Therefore, this week, I chose not to teach my 4 bootcamps (that I run) and to have some time with my son in the mornings before he goes to school, and in the evenings - This week I chose to take care of myself..

What do you guys do to take care of yourselves? 

Anyway, here is your Tuesday WOD :)

Complete 3 or 4 rounds of the exercises below x

My plans for training are now being scheduled into my week more often than I have been, and taking care of oneself needs to be a priority :)

Have a great day x


Cambridge Personal Trainer

Thursday, 4 October 2012


Hey SwingSistas :)

Here is your WOD, again this is another one I have been doing with my Cambridge Boot camper's 

I will adapt it for W.O at home..

Give yourself 20-30 minutes, although if you have less time that is equally fine :o)

Get a pack of cards, and shuffle them.  Put them in a pile near where you are working out - each suit will represent an exercise. Do the number of reps that the card tells you to do, and see how many cards you can work through in the allotted time.

❤    =  Burpee press-up with a forward Jump

♦    =  Straight-Leg Dead-Lift 

♠     =  Kettlebell Swing

♣     =  Kettlebell pull-over press

FACES = 25 Reps

ACE      = 10 x Reps of everything

JOKER  =  Sprint as far as you can

I found this EXCELLENT teaching video for the Kettlebell Swing which helps you with trouble spotting if you feel you are experiencing pain or it just feels 'wrong' ..

I hope you enjoy this as much as we did :O)

Charlie x

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

SwingSista WOD 02.10.12

Hello Hello Hellooooooo! It's been a while, but we are BACK today to give you a Pyramid WOD that my Cambridge Bootcamp ladies have been doing this week. It is slightly longer than our normal WOD's but also if you do have a spare 40 mins to work-out this will bring about intensity and SWEAT :O)

Set your timer for 30/30.

In this Pyramid WOD, we will be doing 1 exercise for 30 seconds, rest for 30 secs, then 2 exercises for 30 secs each, then rest and so on until we do 6 exercises in a row.

Start with

1. Goblet Squat ~ 30 secs rest

2. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell dbl handed swing ~ 30 secs rest

3.  Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges ~ 30 secs rest

4. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist ~ 30 secs rest

5. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist, Coffin Sit-up ~ 30 secs rest

6. Goblet Squat, Kettlebell Swing, Tactical Lunges, Russian Twist, Coffin Sit-up, Burpee-press with a Double Jump.

Take 1-2 minutes rest, and then repeat backwards beginning with the Burpee-press+Double Jump :O)

I hope this makes sense, it certainly kicked our girls asses (in a good way) :)

Much SS love, Charlie + Liz xxx